Alistar - Rebuild Minotaur tribe, current status unknown
Amumu - Still active Champion.
Anivia - Returned to Freljored to find more of her kind.
Annie - Still active Champion
Ashe - Killed in the Field Wars along with Tryndemere and Nunu
Blitzcrank - Current owner of Blitzcranks Robot Dating Serves, married to Orianna
Brand - Unknown
Caitlyn - Current Police Chief of Piltover
Cassiopeia - Unknown
Cho'Gath - Still active Champion
Corki - Diseased, cause of death is old age.
Darius - Current 5-star General in the Noxian army
Dr. Mundo - Killed in the Field Wars
Diana - Killed in a battle with Leonna
Draven - Killed in a battle with Darius
Evelynn - Killed Twisted Fate, current status unknown
Ezreal - Unknown. Lost in time travel experiment, presumed dead.
Fiddlesticks - Unknown. Stories appear every once in a while of him robbing farms.
Fiora - Still active Champion
Fizz - Unknown. Married to Nami
Galio - Permanently turned to stone. Watches over all of Demacia from the highest point of the Royal Palace.
Gangplank - Became Pirate Lord of Bildgewater after killing Miss Fortune.
Garen - Unknown. Married Katarina Darkwill.
Gragas - Current owner of Grag's Barrel Roll Tavern in Bildgewater.
Graves - Left the League after the death of Twisted Fate. Currently unknown.
Hecarim - Still active Champion
Heimerdinger - Diseased from old age.
Irelia - Current Matron of Ionia.
Janna - Unknown
Jarvan IV - Current King of Demacia, father of Jarvan IV and Elena.
Jax - Unknown
Jayce - Killed in battle with Viktor.
Karma - Current Queen of Ionia
Karthus - Current King of the Shadow Isles
Kassadin - Returned to the Void after killing Malzahar and freeing his daughter.
Katarina - Married Garen. Currently unknown.
Kayle - Currently serves as a member of the Summoners Counsel.
Kennen - Serves under Akali
Kog'Maw - Consumed by Cho'Gath.
LeBlanc - Killed by Jarico Swain
Lee Sin - Current monk somewhere in Ionia.
Leona - High Priest of the Iron Solari.
Lulu - Unknown
Lux - Unknown, married to Jarvan IV and had 2 children.
Malphite - Returned to Monolith
Malzahar - Killed my Kassiden
Maokai - Died of Magical Poisoning.
Master Yi - Killed in the Field Wars
Miss Fortune - Killed by Gangplank
Mordekaiser - Unknown. Last seen in Noxus.
Morgana - Killed by her sister, Kayle.
Nasus - Returned to his home world with Renekton.
Nautilus - Unknown
Nidalee - Unknown
Nocturne - Presumed destroyed in a Nexus explosion.
Nunu - Killed in the Field Wars.
Olaf - Current Barbarian King of Lokfar.
Orianna - "Married" to Blitzcrank.
Pantheon - Unknown
Poppy - Currently serves as Commander of Demacian Forces.
Rammus - Still active Champion.
Renekton - Returned to home world by Nasus to pay for his crimes.
Rengar - Killed his enemy Kha'Zix and took his head as a trophy. Currently unknown.
Riven - Killed by Jaricho Swain.
Rumble - Still active Champion.
Ryze - Only survivor of the Field Wars Conflict. Currently unknown.
Sejuani - Returned to Freljord with her sisters body. Current queen of Freljord.
Shen - Killed in a battle with Zed
Shyvana - Serves as a Royal Guard of the Demacian royal family.
Singed - Killed by years of inhaling toxic fumes.
Sion - Slain by Garen
Sivir - Still active Champion.
Skarner - Left to find his people.
Sona - Valoran famous musician. Currently on tour in Demacia.
Soraka - Killed in battle by Warwick.
Swain - killed by Mordekieaser... Reason unknown.
Syndra - Does anyone really give a fuck?
Talon - Killed by Darius for attempting to dethrone Swain.
Taric - Went with Skarner to help him find his people.
Teemo - Unknown. Its hard to tell where he is because his invisible.
Tristana - Commander of the Meggling Gunners.
Trundle - Decayed into nothing.
Tryndamere - Killed in the Field Wars.
Twisted Fate - Killed by Evelyn.
Twitch - Unknown
Udyr - Still active champion
Urgot - Unknown
Varus - Unknown
Vayne - Unknown
Veigar - Unknown
Viktor - Killed in a battle with Jayce.
Vladimir - Returned to the Crimson Sanctuary.
Volibear - Killed in a Noxian raid on the Ursi.
Warwick - Destroyed in a battle with Soraka.
Wukong - Current monkey king of the Plague Jungles
Xerath - Destroyed while trying to take energy from the Nexus.
Xin Zhao - Current Demacian munk.
Yorick - Released from service, dead.
Ziggs - Unknown
Zilean - Chronokeeper of all of Runeterra.
Zyra - Still active Champion.
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