B complex vitamins contain a range of interesting properties regarding particular brain function, but that would have the greatest impact on everything related to neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, in short, to connections that have an impact on our mood, is vitamin B6. It is also prescribed to women with significant symptoms of mood disorders during PMS. vitamin B6 also ensures adequate oxygenation of the brain, a good immune defense and is a powerful antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxic substances we eat. But this vitamin found in our diet could help more people than you think.
Foods containing vitamin B6
In its natural state, there are vitamin B6, among others,: Salmon, The liver, Banana, Potatoes, Nuts, Lenses, White beans, Wheat germ, Yeast, soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Cabbage, Offal, Meat, Poultry It is interesting to note that raw foods contain more of this vitamin than cooked foods. In fact, cooking often impairs the benefits of vitamin B6, as pasteurization and refining.
In reality, most of us Westerners adopt a healthy and varied diet enough to not really run the risk of vitamin B6 deficiency. As this vitamin is found in greater or lesser quantities in many foods we eat, we should, in principle, to take the recommended dose in our plate. Having said that, you might be deficient without you really noticing if: you are taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills). You are an alcoholic. You are very athletic. You have an unusually fast metabolism. You are pregnant and you are breastfeeding. You consume certain drugs or specific drugs (corticosteroids, theosophy, Sidonia, penicillin, hydrazine) These factors can cause absorption of vitamin B6. If you recognize yourself in the above categories, you may need to consume additional doses of vitamin B6 capsule.
Strong vitamin B6 manifested by significant signs: Depression, Insomnia, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety and agitation, Hyperthyroidism, Heart failure, Lower defenses, Abdominal pain in children, Irritability, Confusion, Seborrhea Dermatitis, interscholastic anemia is noted that a deficiency in vitamin B12 can also cause difficulty in concentration, mental fatigue, restlessness, depression .
Studies amazing but controversial
American studies have been carried out especially for the treatment of autism through a substantial supplement of vitamin B6 combined with magnesium. According to these studies, the results were inconclusive and many parents of children with autism continue to administer large doses seeing it improved their condition. Some people with depression, attention deficit, anxiety and hyperactivity have also seen their condition improve. however, the American Association of Pediatrics maintains that the treatments with mega doses of vitamins are not justified in the case of autism. Regarding other results, the studies are not conclusive. Many of them contradict each other: some confirm the benefits of this vitamin on mood and neurological disorders, others say that no conclusion can be extended to this day. The French researchers confirm their hand, intensive treatment with vitamin B6 and magnesium decrease the symptoms of autistic children deficient in vitamin B6 and people behavior disorder.
Doses not to exceed
A normal person should consume daily between 1.3 to 1.7 mg of vitamin B6. Pharmacist or naturalist may suggest a higher dosage to treat among other symptoms described higher (depression, anxiety, irritability, attention deficit disorder, premenstrual syndrome). Thus, a child aged between 9 and 13 years could consume 60 mg and an adult about 100 mg per day. In the case of PMS, for example, a woman who could ingest between 50 and 200 mg per day to relieve mood disorders. In combination with magnesium, the results would be more convincing and would feel after two months of use. Unfortunately, we can not ingest mega doses of vitamin B6 safely. Indeed, in case of overdose, the consequences can be severe. An excess dose 500 mg per day, taken for a long time too, can damage your nerves irreversibly.
It could also cause the formation of kidney stones and neurological disorders, numbness and loss of feeling in extremities, difficulty walking and nervous system damage. As in everything, the watchword is to avoid excess and stay in balance. Above all, consult your doctor, pharmacist or naturalist before you change your consumption of vitamins or natural foods. Nevertheless, the properties of vitamin B6 are closely monitored. It could one day provide solutions to neurological disorders for which we have as yet no cure.
Source: http://infohealth.net/vitamin-b6-for-mood-disorders.html
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